Notorious Fire Co. Returns to the Northeastern Fire Summit in 2024

Notorious Fire Co is proud to return to the Northeaster Fire Summit from Friday to Sunday March 8th to the 10th 2024 at the Village By the Sea in Wells Maine as a 3rd Alarm Sponsor. We'll be setting up shop in the common area with an entire lineup of stickers, apparel and swag.
Hosted annually since 2012 by the New England FOOLS, it is ever adapting, evolving, and simply getting better each year.
2024 will prove to be no different. A three-day weekend packed full of firehouse culture, firefighter behavioral/mental health awareness, leadership on and off the fireground, building construction, fireground tricks, tips, and tactics, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. An array of topics brought to you by a line-up of nationally recognized instructors and fire service leaders from across the country.
Friday March 8th, Doors Open at 1400 with access to the vendor area, lectures beginning at 1500. 1800, doors reopen for pizza & beer and our keynote speaker in the Maine Ballroom.
Saturday March 9th, doors will open at 0745 with access to the vendor area, coffee, and pastries. Lectures will begin by 0815 with the Leadership track in the Board Room and the Tactical Track in the Maine Ballroom. Lunch will be served.
Saturday evening’s speaker will be over drinks following a buffet dinner in the Maine Ballroom.
Sunday March 10th, doors open at 0745 with access to the vendor area, coffee, and pastries. Attendees will gather in the Maine Ballroom for two separate lectures before we say our ‘see you next times’ and head our separate ways.
Three-day conference: $185.00 For FOOLS Members and SMCC Fire Science Students; $200.00 Non-FOOLS Members. Saturday day lectures only; $155.
The Village By the Sea has reserved their entire facility for the event. There will be refreshments available all weekend, with lunch and dinner included on Saturday.
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